Thursday, June 20, 2013

After 6 months~ TINEWTF

Sometimes it takes something momentous to happen to return to the long ignored blog.  
Something happened tonight that I never ever want to forget and so here I am.

Life with twin 3 year olds is tough.  I will never sugar coat it.
Our days are full of time outs, screaming, teasing, fighting, hitting, and there are days where I have to go in my dark bedroom and cry.

Today was one of those days.

Then with just a few words, my sweet girl made everything all better.

She had a short nap today and so had a hard time falling asleep tonight.  I was annoyed because I could hear her little feet shuffling towards me AGAIN and I just sat there 
until she came to me and laid her head on my arm.

"Mama, I love you.
You are a pretty Mama.
You are a good Mama.

And suddenly all I want to do is hug her little body so tightly and never let go. 
We sit like that for a few minutes while I quietly cry and thank Heavenly Father for this moment and then I carry her back to bed where she quickly falls asleep.

All is right in my world again.