Thursday, December 16, 2010

We Shall See...

Tomorrow night is the Otteson Family Christmas party.  I have been talking to Ben and Emma about Santa and what a nice and jolly man he is, that Mama loves him and can't wait for them to meet him and sit on his lap.  Patrice is trying to teach Ben to pull his beard!

This is last year.  Oh, our precious little Christmas babies!  They were exactly a month old if I remember correctly.  This was the first night many of our family members met Ben and Emma.

So now the question is, how do you think they will react tomorrow night? 
I, for one, hope for sweet laughter and smiles but will probably get a picture of my sweeties screaming their heads off, especially Emma.  I'm preparing myself for that reaction...

But Ben, if you pull Santa's beard, you are in big trouble mister!!

All bets are on!!!

P.S.  Look forward to Halloween, Thanksgiving and 1st Birthday posts coming soon!!  Maybe....!  :)

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